women at ComicCon

I don’t generally follow ComicCon events, but this article about the “Women Who Kick Ass” panel there caught my attention, especially this bit:

“We gotta start writing,” [Michelle Rodriguez] said again. She meant women. “Writing, and directing, and producing the kind of content we want to see. Because otherwise, nothing’s gonna change.”

There’s a lot of parallels to the experience of women in tech.  Look at my own employer’s executive leadership: out of the 15 people on that page, only 2 are female, and neither of them are in technical roles.  It feels like we can do better, especially given that one of our co-founders was female.

I agree with Rodriguez.  This is one of the points that I tried to make in my talk at Women in Advanced Computing: if we want more women in technical roles, we have to stay in technical roles, and we have to keep on reaching for more and more senior roles so that we can have a technical female executive.