Maria Klawe on impostor syndrome

Maria Klawe, president of Harvey Mudd College, talks about impostor syndrome in Impostoritis: A Lifelong, but Treatable, Condition.  I like this paragraph the best:

Now I wake up most days with a voice on the left side of my head telling me what an incredible failure I am. But the voice on the right side tells me that I can change the world—and I try to pay more attention to it. My life goal in changing the world is to make the culture of science and engineering supportive of everyone with interest, ability, and willingness to work hard, independent of race, gender, sexual orientation, other interests, or anything else. For that to happen, we need more women, people of color, poets, artists, ballroom dancers, and football players to enter, succeed, and persist in all areas of science and engineering.

I like that she discusses not just entering the field, but succeeding and persisting in it.  We’re still losing so many people after 10 years in the field.  It’s got to stop.