research participants needed

Edited on Friday 7/13 at 11am: Thanks for your interest!  We now have all of the participants that we need.  But we’re still looking for people who would like to participate in research about security policies … 

My team is conducting some research about troubleshooting in virtual environments.  If you’re a virtual infrastructure architect or senior admin who does a lot of troubleshooting, we’d love to hear from you.

For this study, we are looking for people who perform troubleshooting tasks in their VMware environment and are willing to share their experiences with us.  For those of you who are local to the Bay Area, we can either come to you and chat with you in your environment, or we can do a conference call.  For those of you outside of the Bay Area, we’ll do a conference call.

Our research will be conducted beginning on July 9.  If you’d like to participate, please email me with the following information:

  1. Your name, email address, and telephone number.
  2. How big is your virtual environment?  (number of hosts, number of VMs, etc)
  3. What kind of issues do you troubleshoot?
  4. What tools do you use for troubleshooting?
  5. Does your organization use vCenter Operations? (We’re looking for a mix of people who do and don’t use it.)
  6. Would you be willing to show our researcher the tools you use for troubleshooting your environment via during an online screen-sharing session (such as WebEx)?

Feel free to share this blog post with anyone you know who might be interested in chatting more with VMware about troubleshooting.

5 thoughts on “research participants needed”

  1. I am both vmware architect and a day to day admin. I attempt to leverage powercli whenever I can. I have VI with and without vcops. I mainly have designed & operated federal enterprise solutions, to include VDI environments.

    1. Thanks for your interest! I’ve forwarded your information to my colleague who is running this research, and she’ll be in touch shortly.

  2. Hi Nadyne,
    I am a Sr. Sys Admin at a local Financial Institution in Kansas City, MO. I have a very small infrastructure – 3 total ESX4 hosts in a vSphere Datacenter, 2 hosts in 1 Cluster & 1 standalone host. I use vCenter Server & ESXTop for troubleshooting, as well as CLI when warranted, though minimally so. I don’t use vCOPs. Would consider using it though. Like what I’ve seen about it thus far. Most of my ‘issues’ have revolved around performance and/or configuration issues.

    1. Thanks for your interest! The email address that you’ve included here has bounced. Could you email me at nrichmond (at) vmware?

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