LTFS has won an Emmy!

I hope you’ll forgive me for stepping away from my usual VMware and user experience posts to share some awesome news.

Michael Richmond, my husband, has just found out that the project that he architected at IBM Research called LTFS has won an Engineering Emmy Award.  Engineering Emmys are “presented to an individual, company or organization for engineering developments so significant an improvement on existing methods or so innovative in nature that they materially affect the transmission, recording or reception of television”.

Michael has always had trouble explaining to people why his work on LTFS is so important and so ground-breaking.  He wrote a blog post about it titled “Tape? Does anyone care about tape anymore?” to try to address this.  I think that winning an Engineering Emmy shows exactly how important and ground-breaking it is.

Three other Engineering Emmys have been awarded.  You can read more about them, as well as some other Emmy news, here.